Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'm 4 Months Old Today

Lani is 4 months today. We have a dr appt next week so that will be neat to see how much she weighs and how much she has grown. She is soooooo much fun right now smiling, interacting with us, and she is almost giggling. Watching her grow and change is so wonderful. There is nothing in the world like parenthood.
We will post her weight and height next week:)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bebe Pod

We tried this for the first time this afternoon. She LOVED it. She was even moving the rattle and grabbed onto it all by herself. If I can I will put a video of this later, it is too cute:)

Trip to Houston

We had a great time in Houston. Lani was good on the plane, there were just a few stressful moments. She did not like landing poor thing. There were 3 babies on the flight from Houston to Dallas and guess who was the loudest one..... our little peanut:) What seemed like 30min of screaming was probably like 5, all of you fellow parents can relate:) As you can see from the picture she did get some sleep.
We had lots of fun introducing our little one to family and friends. She really loved her aunties Andrea and Bonnie. Her uncle Matt even got her to smile as they played peek-a-boo. No matter how much we tried Matt would not hold her......maybe next time?? She also met her great grand parents Bill and Pauline who are now known as the "Grand G's".
It was such a special time we all spent together, can't wait till next time!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Daddy Hard at Work

This is Chris building one of our tree boxes. We will keep everyone updated on the yard's progress.
Secretly he loves all this work:)

Lani's 1st Party

Some friends from my old work had a party to welcome Lani. It was so much fun. She was such a good girl. As you can see she got her first CareBear:)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Stroller Time

My mom is on a mission to loose the baby weight. So, she put me in this silly pink suit and we went for a long walk.
It was chilly, windy and even snowed yesterday morning. Only in Colorado:)

Nap Time

This is Luke and Lily napping in my flower pot. Too cute to be mad:)
Chris is a carzy man this Spring he plans on building two tree boxes, planting 2-3 trees, building a retaining wall we can plant flowers and bushes in, re- mulch the existing flower beds, maintain our 12 rose bushes, and build a cute brick patio in the corner of our yard. Oh ya, and he already added several new sprinkler zones and re-built our horseshoe pits. For those of you that do not know we have a HUGE yard, our lot is 1/3 of an acre. Needless to say it is a lot of work. I am wondering what this spring and summer will be like keeping these beagles out of our nice landscaped yard. Wish us luck:)

I must say I have quite a husband:)