Sunday, March 29, 2009

Play Groups

(Harrison and Alaina)

Happy Girl!!

Dispite the sour look on Alaina's face she was giggling 2 seconds before the picture was taken. I guess we took too long, she had better things to do than pose for the camera:)

Here I come mom!!:)

Here are some pics from the last two play groups. The first is at the park. It was 75 degrees and just gorgeous. Alaina loved it! Towards the end she discovered the wood chips in the play area and wanted to crawl all in them. I was not too fond of that, so with quite a bit of frustration and tears we headed home. Life is rough when you are 1!

The last play group we all met at the mall play area. It was fun but a little stressful for all of the moms. There were too many older kids running and jumping around that we were worried our little ones would get smooshed:) So we packed up the babies and went shopping!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Swim Class

Alaina had her first swim lesson this afternoon. Oh my............ she LOVED it. She splashed and smiled the whole time. I think her cheek muscles are sore:) It was the best time I have had in a long time. Seeing my child so happy is the best feeling in the world! Can't wait till Wednesday!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Wow 13.5 Months Old!!

Little Harrison Zentner came over for a while on Saturday. They are just the best of friends!

Helping Daddy

Here is Alaina and Daddy making her favorite breakfast..............toast:)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekend Fun!!

This was the first weekend we spent as a family in about 6 weeks. Chris has been busy with two separate trials. The first one he won and involved a drug dealer. He is facing 8-204 years in prison. The second trial also involves a drug dealer and is still going on, it should wrap up Monday. It was great to be together we all missed each other.
Alaina got a new car seat. Since she is 1 year old and over 2o lbs she can face forward. She loves it. It is cute watching her look around at everything.
We had friends over for dinner Saturday night. The baby pictured with Alaina is her best friend Harrison. They are quite the pals. They love to crawl after each other and giggle. It is about the cutest thing ever!!!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Standing on her own!!

Wow look at me:)

Sooooo Big!!!!

Too Cute!!

A little star struck!

Walking is not far away. Then we are really in trouble:)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Revised Party Weekend!!

Game Preparation

Toilet paper wedding dresses.


Dinner at The Palm in downtown Denver

Leaving the Hotel Monoco:(
What a great weekend!!
As most of you know Chris's brother Matt is getting married April 4th, to a wonderful woman named Bonnie. This past weekend was both the bachelor and bachlorette parties. My mom and step dad came to G.J. to watch Alaina and the Beagles, so Chris and I could have a weekend away. As one may guess the parties were very different. The boys rented a house in Breckenridge and poisoned their livers for 3 nights and 4 days. The girls pampered themselves in Denver. We had a blast!! On Saturday, I being the pregnant one called it a night and got a cab at about 12am. The rest of the party kept going. I was informed of all the sillyness at about 2:30am. What happens in Denver stays in Denver:) I love you guys!!!!!
Here's to a great weekend! Can't wait for the BIG day!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Baby Update

Well the little bun in the oven is doing great. I am also getting a little energy back and am not so sick. I am 12 weeks. I had a doctor appointment and the heartbeat was strong, high 150's to 160. Maybe a boy? We have done some home tests, they all tell us boy, so we'll see?? I am quite a bit more nauseous this time. I will have another ultra sound late April early May to tell us for sure.