Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Alaina is going to have a baby SISTER!!! We are super excited. Due date is still September 14th. She is a healthy baby and developing right on track, we are so blessed. Thank you all for your love and support:)

This is the 4-D ultrasound. It is a view of the left side of her body. Her left arm is extended up at a 90 degree angle and her hand is in front of her face. You can see that her left leg is bent inward toward her body and her foot is against the uterine wall.

In this 4-D photo you can see the baby is in a seated position with her head tucked slightly downward. The left arm is bent at the elbow with the upper arm out of view. You can see her left leg is bent at a 90 degree angle and it appears that her right foot may be visible above her left knee. On her head, you can see her left ear and if you look closely, you can see her nose.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

First Tennies:)

Alaina is still not walking on her own, but taking 3-4 steps. She loves to hold onto mom and dad's hands and walk or walk on her knees. I still need to capture the knee walking on video. We are loving the great weather here in G.J.!!!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Baby Belly

Here I am at 18 almost 19 weeks:)

April 4th, 2009 Matt and Bonnie's Wedding

At the end of the night Alaina chilled with Daddy and Great Grandma Pauline.

Just woke up from a nap, can you tell??

Here we are with the happy couple!!

Love You!!

Gosh we look grown up, scary!

Alaina with Grandpa Dan before the wedding.

Alaina napping during the ceremony.

As you can tell when I downloaded pictures onto the blog they did not come out in order.
We had a great day!! Congratulations Matt and Bonnie!! We love you!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bun In the Oven Update

I had a doctor appointment yesterday, I am 18 weeks along. About halfway, hard to believe!! Everything is going great. I can feel the little one all the time and Chris felt it this past Saturday. That was exciting for him. I will have my next ultrasound in two weeks April 28th. We will update the blog with the sex of the baby as soon as we find out!!

Time With Dad and Mom

Do they look alike or what??
(Maybe the next one will look like me:)

Alaina is taking steps, 5 to 6 at a time. It won't be long before she is chasing the beagles around:)
She does this funny thing, she walks on her knees. If I can get it on video I will post it, too cute!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!!

The Easter Bunny brought Alaina her favorite...... a balloon and of course a little bunny:)

We had a very relaxing Easter. It was nice to be home after our trip to Texas. We have great pictures to share from Matt and Bonnie's wedding, so stay tuned................!