Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Three Year Wedding Anniversary:)

September 30, 2006

September 30, 2009

In the last three to four years we relocated to Grand Junction, got married, found new jobs, new friends, bought a house, dogs, and had two beautiful daughters. Time to slow down and enjoy what we have! It's a wonderful life:)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Beautiful Early Fall Day

This is Alaina saying "cheese" for the too funny!

Playing in the sand.

Noelle enjoying the fresh air:)

Matching big and little sister shirts.
Thank you Katie, they are too cute:)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Misc Fun

Noelle 's first real bath:) Which she LOVED:) Very different from her sister!

First nap in crib.

Love my girls!

Alaina helping me burp Noelle.

Covering Noelle up for her nap, too cute!

Silly Alaina in Noelle's crib.

TTaking time to smell the roses.

New hairdo.

New bike from Grandpa Dan:)

On the go!!!!!!!

Noelle 2 Weeks Old

Noelle 2 Weeks

Alaina on her Rody horse, she is a bouncin' girl:)

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Alaina and Daddy looking at the ducks.

Noelle's first trip to the park.

Chris is off this week, so we took advantage of the nice weather and took the girls to Canyon View Park. Alaina loved the ducks:)

Noelle 1 week Old

Proud big girl:)

Alaina loves her baby sister!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Noelle Update

Silly face:)

Proud big sis!!!

We think Alaina might have some competition:)

Sleepy girl

Noelle had her first doctor appointment today. She has gained 11oz in two days, she is 8lbs 10oz. We wonder...... who's child is this???? She is wonderful, could have not asked for a better baby!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Coming Home


1st Family photo:)

Alaina meets baby sister Noelle.

Leaving the hospital.

Noelle Kathleen Nerbonne

Noelle Kathleen Nerbonne
Sept 9th at 12:44am
8lbs 8.1oz
20 1/4 in long
Maris's water broke Tuesday at 7:30pm. We rushed to the hospital but labor progressed so fast that there was no time for any pain medication. It was a hard and long process, but Maris did it!!! Mom and baby are home and doing great!

Thursday, September 3, 2009