Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

What a great day! We had a blast showing Alaina all of the pumpkins and the animals. She loves to baa...neigh...hehaw... and moo:) Noelle slept through all of the fun of course. Lol....always next year!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Time With Daddy

Chris came home at lunch for the day to spend time with all of his girls. We love you Daddy!!!
What is up with Alaina's

Fun Weekend

Chris loves this picture of Alaina and had me add it to the post. Alaina is pretty cute I must say:)
My stepdad David came to visit us this weekend. He and Chris did a 26 mile bike ride on Saturday. Way to go boys!!!!

This was Alaina's first time helping me cook. We made guacamole.

Alaina and Noelle and their Papi. ("Papi" is what we called his dad growing up)

Alaina and Noelle LOVE their Auntie Bonnie:)
Bonnie was here from Houston on business for only one night:(
Gotta love the finger in the

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Our Girls

Alaina LOVES to say "cheese" and smile for the camera.
Noelle 5 weeks, Alaina 20 months

Alaina is watching her new Baby Einsten dvd, so she is a little!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Noelle 1 Month Old

Wow, has it been a month already???
Noelle is doing great and already weighs 10lbs 2oz. She has a pretty bad case of baby acne, poor thing, it is even on her chest. Noelle is very different than her big sister at this age. She has rolled over once already and has tried numerous other times. She can also lift her head up a little when on her tummy. She loves to track Alaina's stuffed Elmo:) She is sleeping good at night, as long as we keep her awake some during the day. She loves her baths and snuggle time! She is such a sweet baby, we could not be happier.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Noelle 3 Weeks Old

Alaina helping her daddy with a Sudoku puzzle.

Alaina's & Noelle's First trip to the Library

On our way to the local library:)
Alaina in the playhouse.

Alaina and A.J.

Alaina, A.J., Kiersten, and Nevaeh.

Climbing out of the window.


Color time:)

Big Girl!!
We had a blast with our friends and checked out some fun books.