Sunday, November 29, 2009

Practically the Same Picture

Alaina 10 weeks old
Noelle 11.5 weeks oldOMG...... I about died when I took this picture of Noelle, because I remembered taking about the same one of Alaina. These are keepers for sure!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Painted Toes

Alaina loves her toes painted. After they are done she says "toes....cute"!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Video of Alaina

Here is Alaina saying some of the names of people in her family. Grandma and Grandpa covers all of the the grandparents. Too hard to say each of you. We do not want anyone feeling left out:)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I came into the living room this morning to find Noelle cuddling with baby. I wonder who put her Perhaps a cute blonde toddler??

Party Girl

Here is Alaina on the way to one of her best friend's second birthday party. Her Uncle Matt picked out this dress and sent it to her. Absolutely adorable!!!!!!! Alaina is the next of her friends to turn 2. Hard to believe, but can't wait!

Kiersten is the birthday girl. She is the one in the bright pick dress:) Happy bday Kier:)

Reading the Sunday paper

She's her father's daugther:)


We bought Alaina playdough the other day. She had fun, but is a little unsure about it. After nap is maybe not the best time to play with it, morning might be better.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Noelle's 2 Month Well Visit

Noelle is a very healthy and happy baby. We saw the doctor this afternoon and my how she is growing! Height-23in (76%), Weight- 11lbs 11.5oz (75%), and Head- 16in (90%). Alaina was not this big until she was 4 months. The only thing her and her older sister have in common at this point is their Pearson/Nerbonne head. Alaina's head was/is always in the 90%. Noelle smiles all the time and is cooing a lot. We even hear a little laugh here and there. She only cries when she is tired, hungry, or in need of a clean diaper. She is just so special. Words cannot explain our love for both Alaina and Noelle, they are a true gift.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Noelle 2 Months

Our sweet angel:)

The Girls

Breakfast....ummm as Alaina would say:)
All smiles


A.J.'s 2nd Birthday Party

Noelle and A.J.

Birthday boy

Do you think Alaina enjoyed her

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Potty Time

Alaina is getting really interested in the whole potty thing. I brought out her new potty chair this afternoon. I think we spent 45min in the bathroom on off, on off it was too funny!!!!!!!

Special Visitors

Jumpin' in the leaves:) Grammy and Noelle
Uncle Don and Alaina
Four generations, pretty special!
Alaina and Grammy at the park. Alaina and Uncle Don on the slide.
Grammy reading to Alaina.
My Uncle Don, Grandma and mom.
Silly Girls!!

My Grandma (Alaina and Noelle's Grammy) came to visit last week all the way from New Jersey. It was so neat having her here. My mom, Uncle Don, and cousin Josh also came for a few days. It was crowded but so much fun! We miss you all!!!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

We had a great Halloween. Alaina was too sick to trick or treat, she has a really bad cough. Instead she enjoyed handing out candy to all the kids We had 85 trick or treaters. Yes.... we counted all of them:) We ran out of time to carve the pumpkin, next year.

Noelle smiles now:)