Monday, December 28, 2009

Andrea and Cory's Visit

We took Andrea and Cory to see the Colorado National Monument. It was FREEZING....but beautiful as always!!!!!!! Noelle was in her carrier covered up....too cold for her:)

Wow.....Cory held Noelle. I think we approve:)

Christmas Day 2009

We had a wonderful holiday! Chris's sister came from Houston with her boyfriend Cory. Noelle had fun watching everyone open gifts and Alaina had fun opening them;) It all went by too fast! Thank you to everyone that made this Christmas so special! We are truely blessed...we love yu all!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Chris says Alaina is my Mini-me :)

Already calling boys....we're in :)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Noelle giggles now. Unfortunately she was camera shy here, but the video is still cute:)

Random Pics

December Playgroup
Our good friend Jenna Schlachter
Alaina, Harriosn, and Caeden


A.J. and Caeden


Alaina loves her Jen:)
Alaina LOVES the Christmas tree, she says "pretty" to it all the time:)

She is saying "Cheese", can you

Snug as a bug:)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Noelle Lookin" Too Cute!

I could just eat her up!!!! Our little snuggle bug:)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Noelle is 3 Months Old:)

Noelle is 3 months old today. She weighs 12lbs 13oz. What a healthy and happy baby she is. We are agian so blessed!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


It finally snowed here. We tried out Alaina"s new winter gear. I can safely say playing in the snow is not her favorite We were able to get a few smiles and laughs. Chris's office closed early so we are spending a cozy day watching the snowflakes fall, 9in so far!!!!!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Family Pic

Here we are at Chris's work Christmas party. We had fun. Alaina was so shy. As you can see she is looks a little freaked out and is not smiling. Poor girl:( She did warm up about 2 hours later.

Friday, December 4, 2009

True Love

Thanksgiving 2009

This is the only picture we got of little Noellie...she was not in the best mood:) Thankfully a moment of silence:)

I took Alaina to the park to get some fresh air, it was a beautiful day!

We had a great day. We were invited to a friends for dinner. Thank you Dan an Stephanie....we had a wonderful time:) It was a nice change since all of the holidays have been at our house the past few no mess:) Although, we did miss our families!!