Monday, March 29, 2010

Great Weekend!!!!!!

We had a GREAT weekend!!! We spent most of it outside. It was beautiful here!
Noelle seems to love it outside. She loves watching her sister and puppies! Now that she can sit up it has opened up a whole new world for her!
Alaina had fun playing in her sandbox, riding her bike, pulling her wagon, swinging, sliding down her slide......and going to the neighborhood park...she is a busy girl!!
Chris is almost done with the pergola over our corner patio. I will post pics as soon as he is done.......maybe next weekend.
These two are quite the pair....we love these girls!!!!!!!!!!Enjoying the sunshine!!

First time in this swing....she loved it!!

Helpin' Dada

Chris took this one....Might be the cutest ever!!!

Dada and Noellie (Notice the goatee is gone)

Sweet moment!!! They are best buds!!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Noelle Sits Up!!!!!

She is so proud of herself!!! They grow up way too fast:( At her doctor appt this week she was 17lbs 10.5oz....healthy girl!!! We love it!!!!

Baking With Alaina

We made muffins together this morning...It was so fun!
Can't wait to dye Easter eggs soon!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Steamboat Springs, CO

We went to visit my mom this past weekend. It was a lot of fun! Steamboat is beautiful!! Can't wait to go in the summer and go to the hot springs:) The girls adjusted great!! It was our first family trip:)

View from the deck!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Swim Lessons

We started swim lessons again. It was so fun seeing Alaina enjoy the water again!! She was a little nervous at first but seemed to warm up quickly. As you can see in the photos below she was SO excited to have her swimming suit on....too cute!!

Lovin' the sunshine!!

The past couple of days during Noelle's nap Alaina and I have been playing outside....we love this weather!! She loves to play cute!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Noelle 6 months

Noelle is 6 months old now. She is cute as ever!!!! She weighs 16lbs 15oz...big baby:) She is getting close to sitting up...won"t be long!! She loves to say dadadadada ALL day is so cute she found her voice. She still loves her feet, any chance she gets to put those suckers in her mouth she does! She loves to watch Alaina play...Alaina can make her laugh like no one else. She likes her exersaucer more and more each day. She is so alert and just amazes us. She is eating cereal and practicing with her sippy cup of water. She is no longer nursing. She has adjusted to her formula quite well. It has been nice for me....I have more freedom now:)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


They crack eachother up!! Gotta love it!