Friday, April 9, 2010

Noelle 7 Months Old

Hard to believe that she is already 7 months old. She is a happy healthy baby weighing about 18+lbs. She is sitting up and eating lots of different foods.... apples, pears, bananas, carrots, sweet potatoes, green beans, and squash. She talks up a storm, loves to giggle and watch her big sister and her beagles. Alaina can always make her laugh. She reaches for EVERYTHING and is still very curious about her is great! Noelle loves to be outside, just wait till she is crawling.....the real fun will She might be getting her bottom teeth we are no too sure?? We are all so excited for the Spring weather and our trip to Houston. Happy Spring Everyone!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

1st Playdate of the season!!!

Making cupcakes for Alaina's friends. When asked if she liked helping make cupcakes she said "ya.... it's fun". So cute:) It was great to spend the day outside in our backyard and enjoy the sunshine. Here are some pictures from our fun day. (Noelle and Wyatt not pictured)


Kiersten and A.J.
Baby Alexis
Elizabeth, Harrison and Alaina

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010

We all had a great Easter.......despite the camera I think Noelle had the most fun with her Easter basket:) We hope everyone had a very happy Easter!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Noelle's First Foods

So far Noelle has had sweet potatoes, apples and pears. So loves to is great....she is a crack up......the food can't come fast enough!!
Sweet potato dinner

All clean:)
