Saturday, May 29, 2010

Our Girls

Alaina is playing with a guitar I had when I was a child.


Getting close to out:)

Best Buddies:)

One of our evening routines...that is if the wind is not blowing us away:) They love eachother. It is so special to see the bond they already share.

Lunch Date

On this day the Fleming twins Wyatt and Elizabeth came over to play and eat lunch. They ate lunch wanted try some.....she loves it now and will also eat other meat.....finally:) Monkey see Monkey do:)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Grandpa Carl Visits

We had a great time with my dad!! The girls really enjoyed having their Grandpa visit:) He was a big help and a lot of fun!!!
Alaina at Canyon View Park

Feeding the ducks

Alaina's first experience with Grandpa coaching her. I am sure this will not be the

Soooo Big
Alaina and Grandpa at Kidzplex

Neighborhood Park

Grandpa's last day:(

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Noelle 8 Months

Yes....Noelle is already 8 months old. She is 20lbs and full of cuteness, giggles and love:) She has 3 teeth as you can see. She now takes a bath with her sister....she has definitely grown out of her baby tub:( She loves to read and watch her big sister play. She loves to sit outside and watch the beagles and chew on her rattles or whatever she gets her hands She loves the baby swing at the park and at home. She is such a joy! We are truely blessed.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Houston April 2010

We had a great vacation!! It always goes by too fast!
Noelle's first plane flight:)
Sleepy baby
Pops, Noelle, and Dada:)
Noelle in her Daddy's old highchair:)
The fam at the zoo:)

Alaina was amazed by all the animals

Cory and Andrea
Chris and I (kids night out)
Bonnie and Matt
Silly Matt, Me, and Carrie
No words for this
Gotta love Chris's face
Astros game

I love this picture!!!!!!
Bonnie and Alaina
The girls at Uncle Matt's and Auntie Bonnie's
Alaina loved the pool:)
Family swim:)
Great Grandpa and Grandma with Noellie

Chris at you guessed it....... Buffalo Wild Wings


Alaina running from the
Alaina's first carousel ride
Alaina feeding her baby.....super sweet:)