Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Big Helper:)

Just like the bib says CUTE 24/7

Nap Time

Despite some frustrating moments Alaina is adjusting quite well to her new bed. Her new favorite activity is to play in her room and putting all of her stuffed animals and babies to sleep in her bed....so sweet!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Noelle 9 Months

Nine months old!!!!! She is a busy girl!! She says Momma and Dada, she babbles all the time, rolling and scooting everywhere on her belly....crawling is around the corner:) She loves to read, play with Alaina, swing, play peekaboo. She also raises her arms when asked How big is Noelle....Sooooo big. Really, there is so much hard to remember it all:) Oh ya 4 teeth......almost 5. She is the happiest baby we know. Love you little Ellie:)
Update: Noelle is 20lbs 80%, 60% for height, and 93% for head....lol:) Lots of brains:) Goof Ball:)

Big Girl Bed

It was time!!!!! We converted her crib:( She is getting to be such a big girl. Where does the time go??? I hope this is a smooth transition!!!!

Shyla Visits

My friend Candy's daughter Shyla visited this past Tuesday for the day (They live in Denver:(. Alaina had so much fun with her. It was great. Shyla was such a help...We miss her already!!!
Action shot......lol

Monday, June 7, 2010

Denver Zoo

We went to Denver this past weekend so Chris could do a triathlon. He had a great race......so proud of him!!! We made a trip to the zoo. Alaina loves the animals!! I think the sea lions and giraffes are her favorite.....not pictured do to her sisters melt down:(

I love this picture:)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Look Out!!!!!

Noelle is so close to crawling...my life will never be the same...lol

Her Father's Daughter:)

Alaina Painting