Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween 2010

A Princess and a Pumpkin Belle
Alaina refused to wear her Jesse costume (Toy Story), which we purchased like 2 months ago and saved till this weekend!! She insisted on being Belle. Yes, she wore the shoes the whole time...a true princess!!!!
Just when we think she can't get any cuter...she does:)
Heading out

1st of about 20 houses

Pure Excitement!!!!!!!

Our First 5k Together

This weekend we ran our first 5K together. Chris had his best time since college. I was happy to better my time by 2 min!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Alaina's first haircut!!!!

Night before...after a nice bath!

After the salon I took Alaina out to lunch.
Do not be fooled by the short sides, the back is still long. She blended the sides so eventually it will all be the same more mullet as Chris would
Lovin our special mommy daughter day!!!!!!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Matt and Bonnie Visit Oct 2010

Dinosaur Museum

Dinner and 626 Rood
1st time eating snails!!!!!
Pumpkin Patch


Bonnie and Chris took Alaina down this slide.
Not Alaina's best day. Turns out she had a fever...poor girl!

Carvin' Pumpkins

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1st day of Preschool

Alaina goes to preschool now two mornings a week. Yesterday was the first day. I would say it went well. The teachers said there were only a couple sad moments. When I picked her up she was playing on the playground with her new friend Aubree. She did not notice me, so I was able to watch her for a short fun! We are so excited for this new part of Alaina's life:)
BTW.......... I did not cry (almost did) after dropping her off:) Pretty proud of myself.

Princess Alaina

Our good friends gave us some dress up clothes, shoes,
jewelery etc... that their daughter is now to old for.
Alaina is in heaven:)
We are dancing:)

Jersey/Crested Butte Cousins Visit:)

Josh and Alaina bonding:) Alaina and Tim
Me and my girls:) Colorado National Monument
Tim and Erin
Erin and Alaina

Noelle's 1st Time With Spaghetti and Meatballs

This girl loves to eat!