Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fall Leaves

Playin' in the leaves before we raked them all up! Took Chris from 1pm till 530pm using a leaf blower and rake....and there are still more...ugh this yard it too big!!!!!

Quite the little mommy:)

Belly rub

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Alaina playing the Wii for the first time. Noelle walking with her walker for the first time.

Noelle in the play tunnel Backyard fun:)

Always keeping us on our toes:)

Noelle LOVES to climb on Alaina's bed and play:)
Daddy's girl!!
Making cupcakes with Gigi:) Pops not pictured, but was present!!! We were so busy during their trip I forgot to take pictures:(
Noelle 14 months old:)

Noelle after a long day of shopping with Mom;)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My first lunch date with Daddy!!!!!!!

Noelle loves her Daddy!!! With Alaina at preschool 2x a week....Noelle is getting some well deserved alone time with mom and dad!

Silly Girls

Noelle the clown......she is a crack up!!!

Alaina sets up her Tea Party like 15 times a day.

We are having so much fun with these kiddos. Never a dull moment for sure!!