Monday, July 25, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Roller Durby July 2011

 Matt, Andrea, and Chris
 Alaina, Auntie Andrea, and Noelle after teh durby bout
 Me, Cory, and Chris
 Uncle Matt and Alaina
 Auntie Bonnie and Alaina
 Cory, Kevin, and Gigi
 Auntie Bonnie, Alaina, Pops, amd Noelle
 Pops and Noelle

 Durby Girl

Silly Monkeys

Alaina and Noelle's new favorite activity is playing in Noelle's crib....quite funny really:)

Noelle's 1st Haircut

Noelle LOVED getting her haircut last week......she charmed up the place!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Egedy Family Reunion Durango, CO July 2011

4 Generations3 GenerationsNoelle and Cousin AndrewRelaxing:)View from the deck

Cousin ZachCousin JoshRec center