Tuesday, December 30, 2008

11 Months Old

Alaina has been very busy the past few weeks. She is almost crawling, she can sit up from a laying down position and she loves to stand and play with her new toys that Santa gave her.
Chris summed it up the other night. We were talking about the past year and he said "this parenting thing can be hard, but it is about to get even more challenging as she gets mobile".

Thank You

We just wanted to thank both of our families for a wonderful Holiday. We had fun and can't believe it is all over. All of that planning and anticipation and it all goes by so fast. Here's to a wonderful new year!!!!!! We love you all!!!

Chris's Side of the Family

Back Row: Andrea, Chris, Dan, Matt, Pauline, Bill
Middle Row: Maris, Peggy, Bonnie
Front Row: Alaina, Lily, and Luke

Christmas Day

So many presents!!

Her very first Cabbage Patch Doll. She liked her better in the box then out:)

She is going to crawl any day.

Christmas morning with Grandpa David and Grandma Nancy

Christmas Eve

As you can see we had a sleepy baby on our hands!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Picture

Here is Alaina's first Christmas picture. Her Great-Grandma Pauline sent her the dress, too cute!

Morning Coffee

Here is Alaina with our family friend Dana. We love our morning get togethers with Dana. She brings the bagels and we brew the coffee. This morning Alaina even tried a few bits of bagel, yummy! Luke wished he could have some, poor Luke:(

Spoiled Rotten

Nap Time! We know, they're spoiled:)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Winter Beagles

Wrestle Time

Luke (Hoping I have a treat)



Luke and Lily love it when we are outside with them. They get these huge bursts of energy and tear around the yard chasing and tackling each other, it is pretty funny to watch!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Mac & Cheese

Her new face, too funny!!

Alaina is quickly learning what we eat is much more appetizing!!

Lazy Sunday

Here is Alaina in her Pigskins outifit.
She loves the Christmas tree!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Huge Milestone!!

As of Sunday November 30th, Alaina has been sleeping through the night. She was still getting me up 1-2 times every night, so we felt it was time she learn to sooth herself to sleep. She cried it out the first two nights for about 20 minutes, then the third night was the charm. We also changed her bedtime routine to where we read her a book and then put her in her crib awake. She loves her bedtime stories and is learning how to turn the pages of her books.

First solo peek-a-boo!!! Last night Alaina was laying on the floor on top of her quilt. She pulled the side of the quilt over her face then took it off and giggled. She did this repeatedly, it was so cute. She is changing everyday and getting so smart, we are so proud:)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Santa Claus

As you can see Alaina met Santa Claus today. She was ok as long as I was there. I was able to have my friend take this picture without buying the photo package. I think it is just way too cute! We are so excited for this holiday season!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I'm 10 Months Old Now!

We just love that smile:)

Alaina weighs 18lbs 7 3/4 oz now. As you can see with a little help she is standing!! It is one of her new favorite things to do, she is VERY proud of herself! She is also trying to pull her self up on things when she is in the sitting position. She also leans way far forward to where she is in the crawling position, then falls to her belly and fusses then rolls over onto her back. Maybe we will be crawling soon?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

This morning we enjoyed a nice brunch at our friends Rob and Carrie Zentner's house. As for the rest of the the day, we plan to relax and have a nice dinner, just the 3 of us.... oh ya and the beagles:) Love, Chris, Maris and Alaina

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fun in Crestone

Mommy and Alaina at the town park.

First sink bath!

Alaina and Grandma Nancy

Lost and Found Puppy:(

Alaina and Grandpa David on a hike.
Alaina and her Grandma and Grandpa.

Alaina and I will be heading home tomorrow morning. She is napping so I have a chance to post. We had a great time visiting Grandma and Grandpa Harper. They had a blast with Alaina, and I know Alaina had a ball with them, constant entertainment for all!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Alaina and I made a surprise visit to see my mom on Wednesday. Well Thursday on a walk we found this adorable puppy on the side of the road crying and shivering. We took him in for the night. My mom and I both thought of keeping him, but as you know the Beagles and Alaina are a lot of work! My mom also has a dog and a busy life, so we searched and found the owners. He is 6 weeks old and wondered away from his momma and 6 brothers and sisters. The owners were so happy that we had him. They were very nice people and he seems well taken care of. So that made us feel good. Hopefully they find him a good home.

He pulled on my heart strings for sure:(

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Alaina is getting stronger everyday. She loves to stand with just a little help from mom and dad:)

Catalog Shopping

Getting ready for our Christmas list!

Six Teeth!!


1st Wagon Ride

Alaina's Grandma and Grandpa Harper gave her this wagon before she was born. It was a beautiful afternoon yesterday. She had a blast riding in the backyard. The Beagles loved watching her, they were very excited !! We might try to go around the neighborhood today:)