Friday, February 29, 2008

Alaina is One Month Old

Here is our little peanut. She is such a good baby. She went on her first car trip alone with her mommy to Montrose CO to visit her New Jersey Egedy family as they headed back home. Of course she slept the whole time lucky for me:) This is a great age to travel with a little one.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Here is Alaina at 31'2 weeks old. She is doing great and so are her mom and dad. We are having lots of fun, it is an adventure everyday:)

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lani is on video

I'm starting to post videos of Alaina and her family preparing for her arrival on the internet. The first one is here (me and my dad building baby furniture). I'm going to be working on this most of the night. This is my first attempt at internet video posting

Here is a second video.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Alaina's Progress

Our little one is doing great. She is almost back to her birth weight. She is 5lbs and 3.7oz she was 5lbs 4.7 oz. She is doing everything on her own except eating. She has to bottle or breast feed for two straight days before she can come home. Our progress on that is hit or miss. She is now more awake and alert before her feedings so that is a step in the right direction:) All the doctors keep telling us it will not be long (maybe by Valentine's Day) What a present that would be!!! Please keep our little Alaina in your prayers.

Saturday, February 2, 2008