Saturday, March 29, 2008

New Addition

Chris got in a terrible car accident on Wednesday (totaled his new 4Runner) and so I got a new car. He seems to be fine, so hooray for me! Check out my new ride. This is a 2007 Ford Edge SEL. It has a leather interior, 6 disc CD changer, ABS, front and side airbags, including curtain airbags, traction control, AWD, LATCH attachments for Alaina's seat, and many, many other features., including one-touch buttons in hatch area that drop the back seats - very cool.

Chris is driving the Focus now. He wants a truck, but we'll have to shop around to find one that fits our budget and has enough safety features, power, etc.

Happy Driving!!!! :)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Two Months Old Today

Hi everyone I am two months old today. I weigh 8lbs 12 and 1/4 oz and I am 21in long. I gained a one pound in two weeks. I also got 3 shots at the doctor. I was VERY brave, I just cried a little. My mommy almost had to leave the room because she was so sad for me, but then she just looked away as nurse Debbie gave me my shots.

My daddy could not come to the doctor with us because he got in a car accident that morning. We are very thankful he is ok. Our 4 Runner is not. So we are going car shopping this weekend.

I am starting to smile and coo at mommy and daddy. They think it is so cute. I am getting so big.

Monday, March 24, 2008

My First Easter

I hope everyone had a great Easter!! My daddy made my mommy a delicious ham dinner, he sure spoils her! They feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Alaina's First Hike

My mom Nancy and step dad David came to GJ for Easter. We had a wonderful weekend. On Saturday we went on a hike at the Colorado National Monument. It was a gorgeous day.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


We had some visitors this weekend. My best friend Christine of 20 years, her husband Dax and their little boy Ryan. We went to the dinosaur museum and showed them around GJ a little. Ryan loved Chris's guitars from Guitar Hero. He took them all around the house singing and strumming for us, it was too cute. Chris was also happy that Dax played Guitar Hero with him. I am not a huge fan of the game:) It is a lot harder than it looks, trust me. Christine said that Ryan is already ready to come visit us again. It was great having them here. Christine is 23 weeks pregnant with their little girl. Alaina can't wait for a playmate.

Alaina was six weeks old on Monday. It is already going by fast:(

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Alaina and Daddy

Alaina and her daddy had their first lunch date today at the DA's office. You all should have seen the smile on his face as he showed of his little girl, he is so proud.

Alaina also had a Dr appt today she weighs 7 lbs 6 1/4 oz and is 20 1/2 in long. Doctor says she looks great. She is also breastfeeding like a champ, which makes life a lot easier for all three of us.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Don't forget about us!!!!! :)
Luke is on the left and Lily is on the right.

Luke and Lily are doing great. They are settling into their new life with a baby in the house. At first they were scared of Alaina. But now they love her and are very curious and gentle with her. When Alaina gets upset and is too loud for the beagles they retreat to their crates, kinda funny since we have to bribe them into their crates with a treat, go figure. We have tried not to change their lives too much as they are our babies too.

Monday, March 3, 2008


We're happy to report that Alaina has turned an important corner. For the past three days, she has been nursing exclusively. This has been a tremendous relief for Maris as feedings have been shortened from 75 to 25 minutes and are now spaced about two to four hours, depending on the time of day. Tremendous. As hard as it was, I'm glad that Maris stuck with it through all the difficulties the past five weeks to get to this point. As the two of them settle into their routine, I expect that feedings will become longer and less frequent and it will get easier to sleep through the night.