Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Alaina had a great day. We had playgroup this afternoon at our house. All of the babies dressed in their costumes, it was totally cute!! We had a ton of trick-or-treaters, none as cute as Alaina the Pumpkin of course:) We hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

9 Months Old!

Alaina is doing great. She is getting so big! She loves to babble, bounce, kick, eat, use her new sippy cups, sit and play with her toys, laugh at her daddy and her puppies, eat her toes and anything else she can get her hands on, splash in the bath, snuggle with mommy, and so much more, but most of all she loves to listen to her music in her exersaucer. She is amazed that all of that sound comes out of those speakers! We have started a play group with other babies and mommies from her music class. It is fun seeing the babies interact and chatting with other moms. Oh ya..... She just got her two top side teeth (the ones next to the front teeth, that makes 4 teeth all together), it is too cute!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Time With Old Friends

Chris and Alaina at Buffalo Wild Wings

Carson loves Alaina

Best buds!!

Carson, Alaina and Lacey

Stinky elephants!

Alaina loved the big animals.

Fun at the zoo!

Go Buffs!!

Alaina and I with Christine and her kids Teagan and Ryan.

Chris, Alaina and I headed over the mountains this past weekend to see friends and enjoy some of our favorite things; the zoo, CU football, Chucky Cheese, Buffalo Wild Wings and friends. We had an absolutely wonderful weekend, very busy but wonderful!! We love and miss all of you. Hope to be back soon!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Playtime with the Beagles

Alaina loves her beagles. They tickle her face when they sniff her. They are very sweet with her.
She is eight and a half months old now. She graduated out of the first 6 weeks of Kindermusik class and received her first diploma today. She steals the show in class with her smile.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Alaina gets cuter everyday:)

Family Visitors

My Grandpa Gene came to visit from New Jersey this week. We had a great time showing him around. He loved seeing his great-granddaughter. We also had my cousin Josh and his girlfriend Laura come over from Crested Butte. It was fun seeing everyone!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Anniversary Dinner

Alaina and Chris made me dinner last night. As you can see Alaina was a big help. She loves her daddy time!!