Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Alaina!

Alaina started out her big day by opening her birthday cards. We had a birthady lunch at Red Robin and then visited Daddy at the office. She was a big hit there for sure. Her party will be Saturday....... Stay tuned for party pics! Here are some pictures from today:)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


She loves to clap, what a happy girl:)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

She's Crawling!!!

Alaina is now crawling. She started on her daddy's birthady. She still gets lazy and rolls instead, or fusses for us to carry her. We knew it would'nt be long. We are so proud of her! We caught her in action this afternoon.

Enjoy the videos!!

Chris's 31st Birthday

Chris had a great birthday. The actual day was Friday Jan 9th. We met friends out that night for a few drinks and came home had dinner and opened presents. He got a Wii, very exciting!!!! We were up until midnight, it was too much fun. I beat him in baseball 1-0, haha:) Saturday night we went bowling with friends. Alaina had a blast and was such a trooper. She loved watching us bowl. Chris tried bowling with her, did not work too well, he says threw it him off balance:) Not too much, his final score was 168, we will not mention mine:) That night we stayed up until 2am playing the Wii, well I made it until 12:30am.

Happy Birthday Chris!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm Awake!!!!

After nap time we often find the little peanut standing in her crib! Good thing her Grandpa David lowered the mattress!!

Play Time

Here is Alaina with one of her new favorite toys.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rolly Polly

Well, Alaina is not crawling yet, almost! She gets herself in the crawling position then she just rolls where she wants to go. She gets herself in plenty of trouble:) I can't imagine when she is actually crawling. Her new favorite thing is to get into the photo albums. As you can see she is quite proud of herself!