Wednesday, July 29, 2009

18 Months Old

Where does the time go??

Alaina and Luke are in is about the cutest thing!! Well, I am at the 33 week mark in my pregnancy and feeling good. I get tired but that is to be expected. I am having zero complications, unlike with Alaina, so that is GREAT. We joke this one will be late.
We leave for Durango this weekend. Chris is doing his 4th triathlon. It will be nice to get away for at least a few days. My last!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Bathing Suit!!

Thank you Grandma Peggy for my new bathing suit. I will be the stylish girl at the pool:)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What a little diva:)

Flash Cards

Alaina loves animals!! We have to look at these flash cards at least 3 times a day. She is getting so smart, saying so many words and animals sounds, too fun!!

Swimming With My Daddy

We went to the public pool this past weekend. Alaina is turning into quite the little fish!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Our Little Momma:)

Last Day of Baby Kindermusik

Carrie and Harrison Zentner, me, and Alaina
Wow, have the babies grown up??!!

Summer Time

New Pool:)

Trip to Denver June 09

Alaina and Teagan
Silly girl, she loves her snacks:)

Alaina and mommy, she LOVES the pool!!

Here is Alaina in Shirley's kitchen having lunch!
Commerce Children's Center, Boulder CO (my old workplace)
Big Girl

Alaina and I took a trip to Denver by ourselves for a week. We saw lots of friends and had a blast. The only thing that was missing was Chris! When we got home he surprised me with a finished nursey for the new baby, it was wonderful!!

Father's Day June 09

We Love You!!!!

Highline Hustle, G.J. CO June 14th

Finishing the race!!!

Here we are, not the most attractive picture..Lol!!

Here is Chris doing his second triathlon. Alaina and I were able to go to this one. We missed the swim. But caught everything else. We are going to Durango, CO in August for another triathlon, that will be his 4th since May 09. He loves his new hobby and has lost 13lbs. Way to go baby!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Computer Update

Well, we had to get a new computer. We hope to get it all set up by next week sometime. I miss blogging!