Monday, February 22, 2010


Alaina 6m & Noelle 5 3/4m....... I just had to share these:)


Noelle is on to new things!! She seemed to be getting bored so Chris got the jumper down from the attic this weekend and she is having a ball in it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


It was a beautiful afternoon so we took advantage and played outside while Noelle napped..... still to cold for her to sit outside. I think it is supposed to snow the next few days....yuck! Will it ever end?? Chris keeps reminding me that it will be super hot soon !!!!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Construction of the girl's new playset:)

Here we go....the fun begins for Chris!!

This smile of hers is too

Sweet little Lily:)

Done!!!!!!!! Way to go Daddy!!!!!

Noelle and her feet

Once she found her feet that was the end. This girl is obsessed:) Not sure she can get any cuter! Is this face Chris's or He is a proud daddy!!
Alaina loves her doctor kit!

"No Mommy... I want to roll back to my back!"

Havin' Fun

Alaina about to kiss Noelle:)
Elizabeth Fleming....adorable!!
Alaina havin' fun at the Fleming twin's house.

Wyatt...the ladies man:) Way to go for it

Quite the outfit Alaina!
Wyatt loves babies...he is so darn cute!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Noelle 5 Months Old

Noelle is happier than ever. She is so alert and curious about her surroundings. She is getting close to sitting up, she loves to grab her feet, blow raspberries, giggle, smile, play with her rattles, she can roll from her tummy to her back, she is just a busy little bee:) Alaina is so good with her....amazing the bond they already have:) I still need to weigh check back!

Fresh Air!!!!!!!

It felt so good to take the girls out today and enjoy the sunshine. They both seems to like their new stroller. Although when we left the park I had to almost sit on Alaina to get her back into the stroller.....major meltdown....she did NOT want to leave the park. At this point Noelle was crying also. They both screamed all the way home. All you can do is laugh right???:) Beter luck next!