Friday, July 30, 2010

Steamboat Springs, CO July 2010

I went to Steamboat with Alaina and Noelle to visit my mom for the week. We had a great time!! The only thing missing was Chris:( He was in Denver doing a triathlon, then CO Springs for a work conference. Breakfast

I just LOVE this picture!!!!!!

Despite the look on Noelle's face....... she does love my mom's dog Stella:)
Making muffins

Noelle is EVERYWHERE!!!!!
We celebrated Alaina's 1/2 bday getting pizza and gilato.

Imprint of the chair Alaina was kneeling
Bullseye and Jessie at the dinner table......too funny!

Mesa Counry Fair July 2010

Alaina's first balloon animal.

90+ degrees and has to have her blankie....she takes after her sister.

Not too sure about the

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Toy Story 3

Alaina started watching Toy Story 1 and 2 about a month ago. She fell in love with Buzz and Woody...then Jesse and Bullseye. Here we are at Alaina's first movie.... Toy Story 3. She loved every minute of it. She came fully equipped with her own Buzz and Woody (whom she has to take everywhere and sleep with every night), and of course Blankie. This picture was taken after the movie. It was 100+ degrees and the sun was blasting in Alaina's face. I am glad we took the picture....Anything for a photo

Noelle Is Now Crawling:)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Noelle 10 Months

We have the cutest 10 month old in the world....yes a little bias:) She is clapping, waving, army crawling...almost crawling for real, she says Dada, Momma, Dog, and almost Baby:) She loves to read, watch Finding she loves the part when Bruce the shark enters the movie, she plays peek-a-boo, she loves to play in her new splash pool.....I could go on forever.....but I think her favorite time of day is when her Daddy gets home from work. Her face lights up like nothing else...that girl loves her Daddy!!!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Alaina loves her pool, what a beautiful day! She now knows how to turn the hose on and off. Never a dull moment:)

4th of July 2010

We hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July:) Gigi and Pops came to visit. We did not make the fireworks but we did go to the parade. Alaina and Noelle had a blast!