Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fruita Fall Fest 2010

What a great day!!! We went to the Fruita Fall Fest. It was a blast!! Alaina rode on the kiddie train, a pony, and a carousel. We all ate yummy food and enjoyed great people watching.....always fun:) Noelle napped in the stroller for most of the afternoon. We can't wait till next year when they both can participate:)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Airplane Exhibit

This weekend we went to an airplane exhibit. It was really neat for all of us. There were many planes to look at and they had two different planes you could pay to ride on. An Avenger for 375.00 and a Piper Cub for 50.00.........pretty cool!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 9, 2010

This was the day of Noelle and I's birthday. She rode in her big girl carseat for the first time, we had dinner at Enzo's, then of course.... presents! We both had a great birthday!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Noelle's 1st Birthday Party!!!

For those of you that do not know, Noelle and I share a birthday. We had a wonderful celebration this weekend!!!!!! It had so much fun. Thank you to all of our friends for making this such a special day. Also, thank you to Chris for smoking my favorite....... ribs, you are the best:)

Alaina and Teagan Diaz