Thursday, May 24, 2012

Galveston Beach Play Date May 2012

 Headed to the beach!!

 Noelle, Alaina, Avery, Molly and Paige

 Alaina and Molly


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Grand Junction, CO May 2012

 Our neighbor Kathy Neale
 Noelle, Alaina, and AJ
 Best Friends!

 Feeding Baby Cameron
 VERY tired kids!!!
 Miss Dana and the girls
 Dinner at the Zentner's
 Desert...strawberry shortcake
 Breakfast at the Fleming's
 Rocket Park Fun! Wyatt and Alaina
 AJ, Alaina, Elizabeth, Harrison and Wyatt
 Alaina, Anna, Cameron, Wyatt, Will, Elizabeth, AJ, Noelle, Harrison, and Caden
 Elizabeth, Alaina, Noelle and Wyatt
 Headed home to Texas