Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Post more often?

I've decided to post more often to this site. Today, I'm linking to a NY Times piece written by David Brooks on John McCain, who I am supporting in his bid for the presidency. It's a short read and I encourage you to follow the link and read it, then come back here and post your comments. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/13/opinion/13brooks.html

Hopefully after reading it you too will realize why I and so many others are backing McCain this time around. Here's his website http://www.johnmccain.com/landing/?sid=google&CMP=KNC-RU905518676

Next post will be about football. Check back tomorrow


the honorable said...

It is good to see you support a republican for the presidency, even though not a reagan conservative (not that there is one in the race). Good article about mccain, thanks for sending it. I cannot support mccain for the presidency based on two major issues I take with his past positions. Illegal immigration and amnesty (which he endorses).also, he is not fiscally conservative (not unlike gwb), and his ties with the worst liberals in the congress including senator kennedy. Blackberry out of memory...

the honorable said...

Ok that was more like 4 points. His tendency to back liberals and join their causes (mccain education bill, mccain-feingold, the failed amnesty) he is too dangerous to american ideals and our exceptionalism!
Thanks again for the article. Brooks is not one of my regular reads... Then again NO member of the nyt is a regular reqad for me!

Chris said...

The flaws you indicate could also indicate the type of leader who is willing to make reasonable compromises to effectuate real change. McCain is more fiscally conservative than any of the other front-runners.

I can understand why you would disagree with a legal amnesty for illegal immigrants. However, there are an estimated 12-15 million of them, that's three times the population of Colorado and represents about 1 in 20 American residents today. What would you do with them? Rounding them up and deporting them is impracticable and would result in many abuses and cruelties. There must be a humane compromise.

You should also remember that this is a nation of immigrants. Historically, the current figure of 10% of residents being foreign-born is actually low (look to 1900-1920 as southern and eastern Europeans came here for comparison).

Immigrants are a constant source of renewal and typically represent the best and brightest of the lands from which they come because they are adventurous, risk-taking, hard working, and entreprenurial. Is reform necessary? Yes, but that's not the real question - everyone agrees there must be reform - but towards what goal(s)? Based upon what ideal?

McCain is an actual great man of accomplishment who can restore dignity and integrity to the office and can cool much of the current rancor. He has a proven ability to cross ideological divides. It is for these reasons that I support his candicacy. I hope you will join me.