Monday, April 28, 2008

Three Months Old Today

Here is our little peanut. She is 3 months old today. She is doing great. The bed time schedule is working out just wonderfully. She has even sleeps for 6-8 hours some nights, so that is SUPER!! I took her all the way to Louisville (by myself I might add) to visit family and some friends. She was awesome in the car both ways. She was a little cranky on and off while we were there. She was out of sorts not being home, she is a home body for sure. We take off to Houston in two weeks, hopefully that goes well:)

I took her to get weighed today and she is 10lbs 6 and 1/4oz , wow she has come a long way!!!! She has gained 2 lbs in one month.

We hope this post finds everyone doing well and enjoying spring. I know we are:)


The Belitz Family said...

She is too cute and I love her smile. Glad to hear the trip went well. -Kim

andreabonbon said...

She is absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to see her! Sorry I haven't been commenting, I've not had a minute to check things. All the pictures look great. I'm looking forward to catching up real soon :)

Unknown said...

That's a bigger smile than we saw just 10 days earlier. She looks great!