Monday, June 30, 2008

Here's to Chris

WOW!! 5 Months Old

Lani is now five months old. She weighs 12 lbs 10.5 oz. She is rolling on her side a ton, only a matter of time before she is rolling all the way:) We met with a preemie developmental specialist last Monday and she said Lani looks great. Her upper body is a little weak, so we learned some great exercises to help her along. We are so proud of her and the milestones she is making.
Oh ya, she is getting VERY attached to Daddy (he calls himself the baby whisperer). They are spending a lot more time together. Chris says she is a lot more interesting now. For the first time this weekend she cried when Chris left the room. She did not want him out of her sight. In fact, as he was holding her she gave me a sad look and looked up at him and smiled. Daddy's girl for sure:)

Thursday, June 26, 2008


We went to Vail this past weekend. We met our good friends Nick and Kim Belitz and of course little Luke. He is 2 weeks younger than Alaina but was born full term. What a cutie huh. We waked around Vail Village, went to the Betty Ford flower gardens, the farmers market and had a wonderful time time sharing the joys of being first time parents. Oh ya, Chris brought the Guitar Hero, Nick was the best first timer so far, GO NICK!!!
For those of you that do not know Chris and Nick met in middle school. It was neat to see the proud papas together.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Rolling Over

Today is June 20th and Lani rolled on her side all by herself for the first time. Here are the pictures as she rolled. I tried to get it on video but of course she got camera shy.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Silly PIcs

The above picture are of course our three babies. We know the beagles are TOTALLY spoiled.

Below is Chris multitasking.
I was in the back bedroom when I hear Chris talking to Lani in the Major Pane voice from the movie Major Pane. I was laughing so hard that I almost peed my pants. Then I come out and he is doing the dishes and bouncing Lani with his foot, which just added to my laughter. What a guy:)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Alaina's Dr Visit

Head: 16 1/2"
Weight: 11lbs 13 and 1/4 oz
Height: 23 1/4"

Alaina had her 4 month check up. Dr says that she looks great and is developing wonderfully. With preemies they tend to catch up to their age developments at about 9 months or so.
Her head is in the 70 %. Poor thing, with the Nerbonne/Pearson genes there is no way around that:)
She had another round of shots. Poor thing was not happy about that. Yesterday and today she is pretty sleepy. Today she is running a fever. We are giving her baby Tylenol. Hopefully she is back to her happy self tomorrow.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Professional 3 Month Poses

We wanted everyone to enjoy these photos!!