Monday, June 30, 2008

WOW!! 5 Months Old

Lani is now five months old. She weighs 12 lbs 10.5 oz. She is rolling on her side a ton, only a matter of time before she is rolling all the way:) We met with a preemie developmental specialist last Monday and she said Lani looks great. Her upper body is a little weak, so we learned some great exercises to help her along. We are so proud of her and the milestones she is making.
Oh ya, she is getting VERY attached to Daddy (he calls himself the baby whisperer). They are spending a lot more time together. Chris says she is a lot more interesting now. For the first time this weekend she cried when Chris left the room. She did not want him out of her sight. In fact, as he was holding her she gave me a sad look and looked up at him and smiled. Daddy's girl for sure:)

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