Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Second Wedding Anniversary

September 30th 2006

September 30th 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

8 Months Old!!!

Our little angel.
We love you Alaina Claire!

Sitting Up

As you can see Alaina is about the happiest baby in the world. She is sitting up now. We are so excited and proud of her. Luke loves to get his toys and play next to her, it is quite cute. She also sits in a highchair for her meals and snacks. It is so much better and easier to manage. We can now eat as a family. Bath time is a lot more fun too, she has bath toys and just loves them. It is almost time for sink or tub baths she is getting too big for her baby bath.

This past week my mom visited for 4 days while Chris when to CDAC in Keystone. Then Chris's mom and dad came for 3 days. We had a blast with all of the grandparents. They love seeing how their little granddaughter is growing and changing. It was hard to see them go. We miss you all!!!


These roses are from our rose bushes in the backyard. Aren't they beautiful!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Cutie Pie

Thank You Grandma Nancy

Daddy says it is my genie outfit. I think I look pretty cute:)

Kindermusik Class

Maris, Alaina, Harrison and Carrie

Alaina and her music teacher Susan

Visitors September 13th

Our friends from Denver Scott and Heather Petitmermet came to visit. Heather is 7 months pregnant:)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Computer Crashed

We have been having some HUGE computer problems. Hopefully we will be able to fix it and or save all of our photos and music. There will not be any blog posts for the time being. I am posting from Chris's office.

Oh ya and our swamp cooler kicked the bucket too.

What a week!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Thank You Great Grandpa and Grandma Blizard

Thank you for all of my new clothes and especially my birthday crown. I can't wait to use it in 5 months!!!! I miss you! I hope you come visit me soon!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Kindermusik Class

Alaina and I started her first music class this morning. It was a blast. She loved it! She was so happy and excited smiling, kicking her legs, and moving her arms up and down. Everyone kept commenting on her smile. We exercised with the babies, sang, danced, bounced, and just had a great time. I hope to take some pictures during the 6 week session, so stay tuned......!!

Maris's Birthday September 9th

I received BEAUTIFUL flowers from Chris's parents. Thank you Dan and Peg!

On our way to dinner!

I had a wonderful birthday. We went downtown and ate at Pablos Pizza (my favorite in GJ)! Then we went to the new ice cream shop and had homemade gilatto. YUMMY!!! We walked Main Street and enjoyed the cool weather. After Alaina went to bed I opened gifts. I received my first birthday card from all of my kids (Alaina, Luke, and Lily). The card was just too cute and perfect. As you can see Snoopy is on the front. (Don't mind me in my pj's)

Thank you Chris for a wonderful day. I love you!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Alaina's New Quilt

Alaina's Auntie Andrea made her this beautiful quilt. We received it in the mail today. It is great for her to practice tummy time on, which is a big struggle. We usually end up with a very upset screaming baby, but she is improving everyday. Practice makes perfect!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Trip to Crestone Colorado

The drive there started out as one we will never forget. The roof rack was a bit of a hassle. The straps were banging up against the car, the items in it were making a racket, and at one point we thought it was about to slip off the car. We stopped about 5 times to fix everything. Each time we stopped we disturbed the baby or the beagles, which resulted in one or all of them crying. Alaina had to listen to her favorite car cd over and over again. Seemed to be the only thing that worked for her. We are still hearing twinkle, twinkle little star in our heads. Ahhhhh........ parenthood. After we (Chris) fixed the roof rack the rest of the way went great.
The beagles also had a great time. Although, they were too excited to be there and did not want to go in their crate at night. The first night they wined ALL night. I got about 2 hours sleep, The next night they were out in the guest house so I could get some sleep and the third night they some how wound up sleeping with us on a double futon bed. I know we are suckers :)
Alaina adjusted well and had a great time, she loves her Grandma and Grandpa Harper!! We also had a wonderful time relaxing and enjoying each others company.