Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Trip to Crestone Colorado

The drive there started out as one we will never forget. The roof rack was a bit of a hassle. The straps were banging up against the car, the items in it were making a racket, and at one point we thought it was about to slip off the car. We stopped about 5 times to fix everything. Each time we stopped we disturbed the baby or the beagles, which resulted in one or all of them crying. Alaina had to listen to her favorite car cd over and over again. Seemed to be the only thing that worked for her. We are still hearing twinkle, twinkle little star in our heads. Ahhhhh........ parenthood. After we (Chris) fixed the roof rack the rest of the way went great.
The beagles also had a great time. Although, they were too excited to be there and did not want to go in their crate at night. The first night they wined ALL night. I got about 2 hours sleep, The next night they were out in the guest house so I could get some sleep and the third night they some how wound up sleeping with us on a double futon bed. I know we are suckers :)
Alaina adjusted well and had a great time, she loves her Grandma and Grandpa Harper!! We also had a wonderful time relaxing and enjoying each others company.

1 comment:

andreabonbon said...

You guys look great!! and very happy I'm glad. Something should be coming in the mail very soon for you. :)