Friday, February 20, 2009


These two are partners in crime:)

Thursday, February 19, 2009


This was during lunch the other day. Just a fun little video.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's Day

Alaina had a special friend A.J. over for a Valentine's Day dinner. He brought her a rose balloon and a Valentine. Aren't they cute:)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alaina Update

Happy girl after breakfast!!

Getting into trouble:)

Well, Alaina crawls all over and gets into to everything!! Soon we will need a second house for all of the stuff we have to hide from her. She loves to unravel the toilet paper so that now lives on the back of the toilet, the bathroom trash is on the counter...... ohhh and the list goes on, so much for a nicely decorated home:) Those of you with kids can relate!!

Despite all the baby proofing. She is a ton of fun. She loves to wave bye bye to daddy in the mornings and she is quite the clown lately at the dinner table. She babbles all the time and now has 7 teeth. She is almost totally on whole milk and this is the last week of nursing her to sleep at night. She is cruising along the couches and coffee table. She will stand on her own for a few seconds, usually until she realizes she's not holding on to anything.

Here are some cute pictures from today!!

Friday, February 6, 2009


We are having another little one. We are so excited. The due date is Sept 14th. I had an ultrasound today and I am a little farther along than we thought, 8 weeks 4 days. We saw and heard the heartbeat. It was very strong, 167beats per minute. Here is a picture. The head is to the left and then you will notice the body with little arm and leg buds and a little tail, too funny:) It is about 2cm. Pretty amazing!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tree Swing

Alaina received this swing for Christmas and we finally put it up.
She loves to go high. I think we have a dare devil on our hands:)

Birthday Cake Video

Here she is eathng her cake.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Birthday Party

This birthday crown is from Alaina's great-grandparents in Florida. Too cute to get dirty with cake:)

We had a great day. Alaina had a blast with all of her friends and family. Thank you all for helping make her first birthday so special!