Friday, February 6, 2009


We are having another little one. We are so excited. The due date is Sept 14th. I had an ultrasound today and I am a little farther along than we thought, 8 weeks 4 days. We saw and heard the heartbeat. It was very strong, 167beats per minute. Here is a picture. The head is to the left and then you will notice the body with little arm and leg buds and a little tail, too funny:) It is about 2cm. Pretty amazing!!


Anonymous said...

Chris and Maris
I'm so happy for you guys ... can't wait for September !!! Alaina is going to such a great big sister .

The Petitmermet Family said...

We are SOOOOOO EXCITED for all you guys. How exciting!! We miss you bunches and hope we can see you soon!!!