Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Alaina is going to have a baby SISTER!!! We are super excited. Due date is still September 14th. She is a healthy baby and developing right on track, we are so blessed. Thank you all for your love and support:)

This is the 4-D ultrasound. It is a view of the left side of her body. Her left arm is extended up at a 90 degree angle and her hand is in front of her face. You can see that her left leg is bent inward toward her body and her foot is against the uterine wall.

In this 4-D photo you can see the baby is in a seated position with her head tucked slightly downward. The left arm is bent at the elbow with the upper arm out of view. You can see her left leg is bent at a 90 degree angle and it appears that her right foot may be visible above her left knee. On her head, you can see her left ear and if you look closely, you can see her nose.


The Petitmermet Family said...

that's awesome, guys. alaina is so lucky to be having a sister so close to her age! how fun. but most importantly, so glad to hear that the baby looks healthy and everything is going well.

Deanna said...

YEA for baby girls! Excellent news, hope you are feeling well and getting ready to try and stay cool for being pregnant in the summer! We'll have news for you soon, I'm being induced next Thursday 5/7. Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Yea I'm so excited for you guys!!! It will be so much fun for Alaina to have a little sister to play with, and another girl for our play group were kinda out numbered by the boys :)