Sunday, May 3, 2009

Steps to Walking

Getting big!!

My two angels!!

Alaina is taking more steps everyday. She still prefers her knee walking, too funny. Here is a video of her pushing her toy in the dining room on May 1st.
I am feeling pretty good. I am definitely feeling pregnant. My belly is growing bigger which means I cannot move around like I used to. Keeping up with Alaina this next 4.5 months will be challenging. We joined Gold's Gym. It is nice, I can get some me time while staying fit. Hopefully Alaina will soon realize the daycare there is not such a bad place, hahahaha!! We have had some sad visits:(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Alaina she is so darn cute!! Whenever you need a break just call we'd love to have her so you can catch your breath!!