Saturday, January 30, 2010

Alaina's 2nd Birthday

Alaina had a great birthday! My mom came for the celebration. It was so good to see her after all she has been through the past few months! She is back to her regular spunky self!! She is my hero!!! I love you Mom!!!
Yummy Birthday Cake!!!!

Birthday cake

Noelle and Grandma

Birthday Girl

Fun new paper with special markers that only write on the special paper:) Gotta love that!

One of a few muscial instruments my mom gave her:)

Her very own computer:)

Opening Grandma's presents:)

After Alaina's birthady lunch date with Harrison:)

Alaina snuggling with the Lamb Grandpa gave her:)

Mommy spoiling Alaina on her birthady......eating breakfast AND watching you guessed it.... Clifford:)

Her favorite yogurt and berries!

Alaina testng her mother URGH!!!!!

Stacking blocks Grandpa gave her.

Peek a's my birthday!!!!!!

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