Monday, October 8, 2007


Our first post on our new blog. We had an ultrasound today and got some pictures. These are our first baby pictures of our little girl (so we've been told to expect). We plan to update this site from time to time, so please check in periodically. Our baby is due in late February, early March.

Three of the photos are on a new 4D ultrasound device and are of the baby's face - they can look a little strange at first, but if you keep coming back they get easier to look at. The others are from a regular 2D do-hickey. Most of the them were labeled by the technician. Very exciting. She was a very busy girl during the whole process and even moved her head from one head of the Ute to the other. She has two arms, two legs, one head, a butt, no tail, ten fingers and ten toes. The heart has 4 chambers and all her guts are on the inside. All in all, a very successful procedure. When we hooked up the 4D machine to try to get a face picture she kept covering up with her hands. We were told that these photos are not a very good indication of the machine's performance and we hope to get better ones at the next ultrasound in 6-8 weeks.

Click on the link to the right to see them.


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