Monday, April 28, 2008

Three Months Old Today

Here is our little peanut. She is 3 months old today. She is doing great. The bed time schedule is working out just wonderfully. She has even sleeps for 6-8 hours some nights, so that is SUPER!! I took her all the way to Louisville (by myself I might add) to visit family and some friends. She was awesome in the car both ways. She was a little cranky on and off while we were there. She was out of sorts not being home, she is a home body for sure. We take off to Houston in two weeks, hopefully that goes well:)

I took her to get weighed today and she is 10lbs 6 and 1/4oz , wow she has come a long way!!!! She has gained 2 lbs in one month.

We hope this post finds everyone doing well and enjoying spring. I know we are:)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sleepy Time

I know I am obsessed, she is just too cute:)

Houston Grandparents Visit

Chris's parents Dan and Peggy came to visit Alaina. We had a great weekend. Friday we went out to lunch at the best Mexican Resturant here Dos Hombres (choices are slim). Then we made a happy hour trip to Chris's favorite place Kannah Creek and enjoyed their patio. Saturday Dan and Peg helped us with yard work (lucky them), while Alaina sat in her stroller for the first time like a big girl. She enjoys being outside, she even took a snooze, lucky us:) Later Saturday we took Dan and Peg to a winery called Two Rivers. We sampled various red wines and enjoyed eachothers company. Sunday morning Dan and Peg left. It is always hard to see family leave. We had a great time!!!!
Alaina is now 12 weeks old. We get her 3 month pictures done next week, can't wait!!!! We weighed her on our home scale and she is almost 12 lbs.

Monday, April 14, 2008

More Visitors

My good friend Candy from college and her daughter Shyla visited this weekend. Shyla had a great time with Alaina and she and Lily really bonded as you can tell.
It is getting a little hard because Alaina is getting really attached to me and is not too fond of anyone else. She also has a bedtime of 8pm so that Chris and I can have some time in the evening. It has worked well the past 3 nights, wish us luck. She is getting a lot more social smiling and talking her baby talk, so that has been really fun.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Bath Time

Lani loves bath time now, it is now getting dressed after the bath that is pure torture. Always something:)

Happy Sunday Morning

We looked out the dinning room window this morning and the Beagles were looking in at us, too cute!!! Lily is on the left and Luke is on the right.

This is Chris' new truck. He is in love with it. We purchased it yesterday. It is a 2002 GMC Sierra 4x4 V8 5.4 liter engine. We traded in the Focus. It was a sad day for me, I did love my little car, but life has happened and we grew out of it.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Our Little Buff

Go Buffs!!!!
We are starting her early, poor thing really has no choice:)