Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Houston Grandparents Visit

Chris's parents Dan and Peggy came to visit Alaina. We had a great weekend. Friday we went out to lunch at the best Mexican Resturant here Dos Hombres (choices are slim). Then we made a happy hour trip to Chris's favorite place Kannah Creek and enjoyed their patio. Saturday Dan and Peg helped us with yard work (lucky them), while Alaina sat in her stroller for the first time like a big girl. She enjoys being outside, she even took a snooze, lucky us:) Later Saturday we took Dan and Peg to a winery called Two Rivers. We sampled various red wines and enjoyed eachothers company. Sunday morning Dan and Peg left. It is always hard to see family leave. We had a great time!!!!
Alaina is now 12 weeks old. We get her 3 month pictures done next week, can't wait!!!! We weighed her on our home scale and she is almost 12 lbs.

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