Monday, July 28, 2008

6 Months Old!!

Hello everyone!! Alaina is now 6 months old and cuter than ever!! One of her bottom teeth came in last week, which was totally exciting!! She had rice cereal for the first time today. It went ok, she was unsure of it but did not spit it out. Wish us luck:) She rolls on her side a ton and is almost rolling all the way over. She did roll from her tummy to her back last week. She grabs her feet and reaches out for everything in sight and of course it all goes in the mouth:) She LOVES story time, as you can see!!!

Her doctor appt went great, she is 14 lbs 2.5 oz, head is 17in and she is 26in long now. Her height is in the 60%, weight in the 20% and head in the 86% (lots of brains)!!!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

WOW, I cannot believe how fast she is growing up! Sounds like she is still a string bean, so cute. We have appreciation for big brains, Max still has a 90% head. They have big-headed daddies, eh?

Hope you are doing well, and hope to see you for a football game!