Sunday, July 27, 2008

Alaina Meets Grandpa Carl and Auntie Maddie

Here are a ton of pics from my dad's and sister trip to GJ. We had a ton of fun!! We took them to the Colorado Monument, Lincoln Park Pool, Rifle Falls, vineyards, and of course to get the famous Palisade Peaches. Alaina loves her Auntie Maddie!!! We have never seen her smile at someone so much. It was quite cute! the way Alaina was on the 10:00pm news after her first trip to the swimming pool. We are quite proud!!
There is a ton to report on Alaina. She will be 6 months old tomorrow. She has a doctor appt Monday so we will update after that. Stay tuned..............!!

1 comment:

andreabonbon said...

it looks like you guys had a lot oof fun! and like Stef said, "she's starting to look like a real person, not just a baby."