Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sitting Up

As you can see Alaina is about the happiest baby in the world. She is sitting up now. We are so excited and proud of her. Luke loves to get his toys and play next to her, it is quite cute. She also sits in a highchair for her meals and snacks. It is so much better and easier to manage. We can now eat as a family. Bath time is a lot more fun too, she has bath toys and just loves them. It is almost time for sink or tub baths she is getting too big for her baby bath.

This past week my mom visited for 4 days while Chris when to CDAC in Keystone. Then Chris's mom and dad came for 3 days. We had a blast with all of the grandparents. They love seeing how their little granddaughter is growing and changing. It was hard to see them go. We miss you all!!!

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