Saturday, May 30, 2009


Here are two videos of our little peanut walking. The first one ends with the famous "knee walking", too cute!! She is still VERY cautious, but that is ok, it won't be long:) Ohhhhhh....... how we love this sweet little girl!! Can't believe Alaina will be the big sis in 3.5months!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend 09'

Here we are at the Blues, Brews, and BBQ Festival in Beaver Creek, CO.
It was a chilly and cloudy day. Thank goodness the rain held out till we got back to the car:)
Alaina had too much fun!!!!

1st Pool Party

Alaina is 16 months old today, yes hard to believe!! Her friend Harper invited us over for a pool party this afternoon. Alaina LOVED it. We are so glad because we bought her a pool last weekend. Can't wait to fill it up:) She is doing great. Her molars are finally in (12 teeth total) and she is back to her happy self, yea!!!!!!!!! She is walking more and more. Once she builds some more confidence on those feet she will be EVERYWHERE!!!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Girl

I Love Beagles!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day evening before we went to dinner.

What a doll:)

Alaina just got her bottom 1st year molars. She has 12 teeth in all. We have had a hard time with these particular molars. Lots of crying, fevers, and upset tummy. Poor thing!! Hopefully they come out all the way soon!

We had a great weekend. Chris completed his first triathlon in St. George, Utah. Way to go baby!!! Now he has the triathlon bug. That's good, it will keep him healthy and lookin good:)
Alaina and I stayed in Grand Junction and had a girls' weekend. We went swimming, shopping, and hung out with friends. It was quite nice. Chris got home Sun at about 3:30. We were glad to see Daddy, we missed him and he missed us!!!!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Steps to Walking

Getting big!!

My two angels!!

Alaina is taking more steps everyday. She still prefers her knee walking, too funny. Here is a video of her pushing her toy in the dining room on May 1st.
I am feeling pretty good. I am definitely feeling pregnant. My belly is growing bigger which means I cannot move around like I used to. Keeping up with Alaina this next 4.5 months will be challenging. We joined Gold's Gym. It is nice, I can get some me time while staying fit. Hopefully Alaina will soon realize the daycare there is not such a bad place, hahahaha!! We have had some sad visits:(