Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

Mother's Day evening before we went to dinner.

What a doll:)

Alaina just got her bottom 1st year molars. She has 12 teeth in all. We have had a hard time with these particular molars. Lots of crying, fevers, and upset tummy. Poor thing!! Hopefully they come out all the way soon!

We had a great weekend. Chris completed his first triathlon in St. George, Utah. Way to go baby!!! Now he has the triathlon bug. That's good, it will keep him healthy and lookin good:)
Alaina and I stayed in Grand Junction and had a girls' weekend. We went swimming, shopping, and hung out with friends. It was quite nice. Chris got home Sun at about 3:30. We were glad to see Daddy, we missed him and he missed us!!!!!!

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