Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bath Time

Getting into bath.

Washing baby's hair.

Rinsing baby's hair.

Washing and rinsing baby's body.

Drying off and snuggle time.

Here we are at bath time, what fun:) She is such a little mommy:) A great way to end a great weekend.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bath Time Baby

Chris's mom came to stay with Alaina and I this past week while Chris was out of town. We had a great time!! She bought Alaina a new baby that you can take in the bath. She even has a pretend diaper and baby clothes. Alaina is in LOVE!! This baby is the center of her attention right now. I can't wait to see how she is with her new baby sister:)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Surprise Baby Shower

Lots of diapers and books!!!!

Redlands Mesa Golf Course

I love my cake:) So Cute!!

Two of my best friends threw me a surprise baby shower today. It was wonderful!!
Thank you ladies!!
Love you all!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Here I am, a much more flattering picture than the last posting:) 36 almost 37 weeks.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fun at the Park!!

Alaina and Daddy:)

Alaina and Mommy 36 weeks prego.

Full effect of the belly.
Did not realize how the skirt I am wearing adds to my

Monday, August 17, 2009


Alaina sharing her ice with the Beags!!

Alaina and Mr. Luke

Three peas in a pod!!

Coloring with crayons.

Reading and listening to her music, I snuck this picture:)

Her new favorite spot...I wonder what Chris and I do a lot

Alaina is on the go all the time. She loves to take walks around the neighborhood and wave to cars going by. She amazingly stays on the sidewalk....well for now:) She loves going to the public pool and splashing in the is also exciting for her to see what other people have brought to the pool, kinda embarrassing at times....she is Miss Friendly!! She loves the park and just yesterday started saying as she goes down the slide...... ready, set, go! Oh....and climbing is a biggie couches, chairs, tables, benches, our computer desk........ and the list goes on. We have started to tell her that her baby sister is in my belly and she will hug and kiss my belly, super sweet, in a funny way I think she knows.

I am 36 weeks as of today. A whole week longer then I made it with Alaina. I am having no complications, just tired, so I can't complain. We are preparing for the arrival and have lined up helpers for the big day. It will not be long now, about 4 weeks or less:) We are ready to meet this little one. Stay tuned....... we will keep you posted!

Monday, August 3, 2009

New Pool

Since the rose bushes ate the other pool during a thunderstorm, we had to get a new one. This one is actually better, Alaina loves the flowers that sprinkle water. After I blew up the pool she could not wait to get in, regular diaper and all. I think the thing weighed like 6 pounds when I took it!
Good thing they are still selling these pools, it is supposed to be 100 degrees all week, hot!!

Durango August 2009

Lunch in Silverton, CO on our way to Durango.

Fun at a local park in Durango . We were passing time until we were able to pick up Chris's race packet.

"Peekaboo", One of our favorite games!

Reading before bed in the condo.

Outside my dorm in West Hall.

Eating ice cream.......YUMMY for mommy and Alaina..LOL!!

She loves feeding herself:)

One of my best friends Melanie and her daughters Jayden and Laci. This was taken after we went to dinner and ice cream Saturday night.

This past weekend was wonderful and went by too fast! The condo we stayed in was great! It had all the luxuries of home and then some:) Chris had his race Sat morning and finished with a 20min better time then he ever had, so proud of him! Alaina and I were not able to go. It was too early in the morning for us:) After Alaina's nap Saturday afternoon we went up to Fort Lewis College and took a walk around the campus. Then we met an old friend of mine (whom I had not seen in 7 years), her husband, and daughters for dinner. Sunday we headed home:(