Friday, September 11, 2009

Noelle Kathleen Nerbonne

Noelle Kathleen Nerbonne
Sept 9th at 12:44am
8lbs 8.1oz
20 1/4 in long
Maris's water broke Tuesday at 7:30pm. We rushed to the hospital but labor progressed so fast that there was no time for any pain medication. It was a hard and long process, but Maris did it!!! Mom and baby are home and doing great!

1 comment:

GG Pauline said...

Congratulations! Noelle Kathleen is beautiful. We think she looks like her gramdmother, Peggy only Peg had more hair, she was born with bangs.

Alaina looks so proud and is saying "see what I have" how exciting for all of you. Good job Maris! Love, GG Pauline