Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Noelle's 2 Month Well Visit

Noelle is a very healthy and happy baby. We saw the doctor this afternoon and my how she is growing! Height-23in (76%), Weight- 11lbs 11.5oz (75%), and Head- 16in (90%). Alaina was not this big until she was 4 months. The only thing her and her older sister have in common at this point is their Pearson/Nerbonne head. Alaina's head was/is always in the 90%. Noelle smiles all the time and is cooing a lot. We even hear a little laugh here and there. She only cries when she is tired, hungry, or in need of a clean diaper. She is just so special. Words cannot explain our love for both Alaina and Noelle, they are a true gift.

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