Monday, May 3, 2010

Houston April 2010

We had a great vacation!! It always goes by too fast!
Noelle's first plane flight:)
Sleepy baby
Pops, Noelle, and Dada:)
Noelle in her Daddy's old highchair:)
The fam at the zoo:)

Alaina was amazed by all the animals

Cory and Andrea
Chris and I (kids night out)
Bonnie and Matt
Silly Matt, Me, and Carrie
No words for this
Gotta love Chris's face
Astros game

I love this picture!!!!!!
Bonnie and Alaina
The girls at Uncle Matt's and Auntie Bonnie's
Alaina loved the pool:)
Family swim:)
Great Grandpa and Grandma with Noellie

Chris at you guessed it....... Buffalo Wild Wings


Alaina running from the
Alaina's first carousel ride
Alaina feeding her baby.....super sweet:)

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