Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Noelle 11 Months

Not sure where to begin.......???? First of all it is hard to believe that she is 11 months old. Time is going by too fast. Chris and I have really tried to slow down and enjoy our time with both Noelle and Alaina. They are both growing and changing right before our eyes.
Noelle is crawling and is into anything and everything..... it seems we have to watch her a lot closer than we did Alaina (Chris says I have forgotten what Alaina was like)....she is so quick and seems to know where trouble can, don't they all:) Noelle dances, waves, says about 4-6 words, she loves to swing at the park, play tea party, Elefun, basically anything Alaina is doing...quite cute (not sure Alaina feels the same). She is always happy and a true blessing to our family. Words can never describe the love we feel for our two girls.

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