Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Office Christmas Cheer

I don't know how your office works, but in mine several of the women organize a Secret Santa gift exchange, an office luncheon, and decorate the office. It seems that just over half of the staff participates in the gift exchange. The half that is participating send email out to the entire office thanking their Secret Santa for whatever little trinket they just received. Then someone else in the office will also respond to that email and send to the entire office commenting on the gift received. This results in the receipt of several dozen email each day.

As you can probably gather from this, I don't participate. I can't be bothered to and think it's a waste of time and money. I prefer to waste my time and money on the office's fantasy football league, but that's for a different post.

So I decided to do something about the emails that I was getting and programmed my email account to take all email with the word 'Santa' in the subject line and divert it directly to the trash. Then I realized that some people only referred to Santa in the body of their email, so I changed the program to also divert emails with 'Santa' in the body of the message. Later, I discovered that it wasn't as much fun to be clever if no one knows you're being clever, so I set the program to send an auto reply when one of the offending messages is received. Now, when I get one of these, my computer dumps the message in the trash can and responds - "You've sent a Santa related email. Bah Humbug!" Clever, right?

Apparently, some of the people that I work with didn't think so. I came in this morning and my office had been decorated with a lot of ugly Christmas stuff. There's a doily under my computer monitor, a door hanger thingy, some ugly candles, a few lights, etc. It looks pretty ridiculous. There is Christmas stuff everywhere in here. I'll try to find a camera here and take a picture and add that to the post. I'm not sure what their intentions were, but I think it's pretty funny, all things considered. I guess I should change my auto reply to something else, who knows what might happen next?

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