Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Onward McCain!

Unless you live in a cave, you can't have missed that John McCain won the Republican primary in New Hampshire yesterday. It is my hope that this is the first step towards Mr. McCain's capturing the Republican nomination this spring. Praise for McCain can be found in many places leading up to yesterday's contest, with favorable pieces appearing in the Wall Street Journal and Washington Post, among others. It's never too late to lend your support to Mr McCain. You can make a donation any time at his website:

Next up is the primary in Michigan next Tuesday, a state that McCain won in 2000. Independants are allowed to vote in this primary, so look for another strong showing from McCain. Keep in mind also that the Democrats are not campaigning there and that Michigan has been stripped of its Democratic delegates because it violated party rules in the scheduling of its primary. Now that votes are being cast, this race is infinitely more exciting.

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